Call for Practical Workshop Proposals
We are pleased to invite submissions for practical workshop proposals on “Emerging Technologies in Higher Education” for the EAI AfricaTEK
2025 – 8th EAI International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Developing Countries.
- Deadline for Workshop Proposals
- Submission deadline 30 March 2025
- Notification deadline 27 April 2025
- Camera ready deadline 19 May 2025
Proposal Content
– Topics and scope: These should be within or close to the scope covered by “Emerging Technologies in Higher Education” as mentioned above.
– Please submit your practical workshop proposal as a single PDF document (2-3 pages), including the following details:
Workshop Title:
Workshop Organizers: Names, affiliations, and contact details
Abstract or summary: A brief description of the workshop (80-100 words)
Workshop description: (1-2 pages) covering the following: Workshop objectives and learning outcomes, target audience, relevance to the conference theme and expected benefits for participants, planned activities or hands-on components, active engagement methods.
Workshop agenda: Workshop duration (e.g. half-day, full day), activities and timings (presentations, group discussions, demos, hands-on tasks, etc..), breaks and Q&A sessions.
Requirements for participants: Expected size (minimum and maximum number of participants), prerequisites (prior knowledge, familiarity with specific software tools, etc.), any materials or devices participants need to bring (e.g. laptops, specific pre-installed software, etc.).
Technical and logistical requirements: Including the special need for Audio-visual equipment, writing materials, Internet access, seating arrangement, etc.
Materials: A list of materials (if applicable) to be provided to participants, such as special handouts, toolkits, datasets, or other relevant resources.
For any inquiry about practical workshop proposals, please contact Asma Baghdadi at [email protected]
Workshop selection
We aim to select a diverse set of practical workshops and avoid having multiple workshops on overlapping themes. Organisers of selected workshops will be asked to produce a Call for Papers to describe the workshop to potential participants and solicit submissions. In order to promote vivid discussions with more participants to the workshops.
The criteria for assessment will include:
– Relevance to conference vision/topics and attendees
– Potential to bring in participants to the conference
– Overall quality of contribution
– Provides a hands-on, collaborative, and/or active learning environment for attendees
Accepted practical workshops will be organized as a paralell sessions during the AFRICATEK 2025.
Proposal submission
Workshop proposals should be submitted in a maximum of 4 pages in PDF format, single-spaced.
Please email your workshop proposals to [email protected]